Monday, August 22, 2005


i feel dam high today!!!!!!as usual i went to coll n just checked up my friendster coz my pc cant do it...thatz not the point..some1 has not approve me yet!!!oh gosh!whoz that??i was dam panic k!!!should be himla...rite?who knows his not there d...hahaha!i mean that he d approved me...hhaha!i wanna scream k!i really need to hug some1..i wanna share my happiness with my least some1 k!but then i dunno wut to write to him!!!!!!im the1 who added him first n how can i write to him???he might not reply me rite?im in confused!!!i dunno wut to do???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't ever hug a guy without our permissions!do u remember our punishments,don't u?