Wednesday, October 24, 2007

i love u as my fren!

i shudnt have tot so much...i've stopped to think bout this long time ago..and the feeling has once again came back to me..hmm,i wonder im feeling either curious or worry bout wut im feeling from him..i've been questioning i jus being oversensitive over him?frankly i wouldnt get to feel a guy who has feelings towards me..cos im the kinda of person who needs clarification if a guy has not open his mouth to pour out his feelings towards me..furthermore,i've been treating him as a real good buddy...of cos i wouldnt wan something 'extraordinary'' to take place which might destroy our friendship..if it does, then it'l be a sad case and even out of my expectation to accept the fact..

somehow, i jus hope that wut i've been figuring is nonsense and i doubt i wouldnt handle it properly.....wut shud i do then?shud i ask him?or shud i jus keep it by myself?but wutz the point of confronting to him since i dun hope to get involved?

however,im sure with one thing..which i'l love him as my fren!!!!!! fren!!

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